The waterproofing and tile repairs on the two building sevens are done. Finishing building five will be next. THERE WILL BE NO RAILINGS FOR AT LEAST SIX WEEKS. If we do get visitors/renters on building sevens and five, please make them sign a waiver not to use your balconies without railings.

Remember, this is the rainy season and we have leaky roofs (balcony floors) that caused beams and posts to rot. His is an EMERGENCY. There are no exceptions or custom dispensations. We are going full speed ahead. After Building five, it will building six. The other units are OK to rent.


There is one parking spot per unit. Visitor spots are not for long term renters with two cars.

Those of you who use Air B&B, Craigslist, VBRO, etc. please understand that you get what you pay for. The Po’ipu Kai management is NOT your problem solver. Please don’t call them for a problem inside your unit unless it is a common area issue. Please make sure our management company has a key to your unit in case of flooding, etc.


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