Our best, most experienced Board member at Kahala, Dick Fogel, just recently died of cardiovascular disease. It is a huge loss for the Kahala community. Dick was the one who put together the lanai repair project and he followed Kahala’s finances with expertise that was truly amazing. A true heartbreaking loss for Carol, his family and all of us.

John Hagen will take over Dick’s role as treasurer. The Board has appointed Scott Dahl. Scott has been a great volunteer helping Board member Shawn Cohen do volunteer repair work at Kahala. Scott lives here half the time, so does Shawn.

Building one will be worked on in March, April and May.

We are trying to figure out how to deal with the huge costs of floods in unoccupied units. The plan is to get all units on one key so security can enter immediately. We have cleaned out all the main sewer lines and we are going to clean the kitchen sink lines again. We hope everyone remembers to replace their water heaters after eight years and to put hair trap screens in their bathtubs. Ice makers are another cause of floods.

It looks like the April members meeting will actually happen this year. Hope to see you all!
