Tourists are back in full force. Beach parking lots are full. Weather is perfect. Masks are coming off, restrictions are ending.

Building four is done except for the gutters. Our gutter contractor has been having trouble getting workers, so we are behind on gutters in most of the buildings. Building One is under demolition now, next is Nine, then Eight. Each building takes about three months plus or minus.

We have spent our two million all ready and we are about to search for another line of credit before interest rates go sky high. Our landscaping has taken a beating with construction and we still need funds for the downstairs patios.

To prevent flooding and to get quick emergency access, we will be changing and standardizing all the locks in early June.

We look forward to a face to face meeting this April! There will be an owner’s potluck at the Kahala pool at 5 PM on meeting day April 29.

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